
Marchington Consulting's core philosophy is to work on game changing performance leaps on existing equipment, rather than small, incremental change.  The service came into being in response to a client request, to deliver "hard core" problem solving to their team, cement significant results and roll it out into a transformational programme.

Coaching and delivery is on site, immersed with a small client team who are assigned full or part time for a period of weeks or months.  Typical projects require 40% - 60% FTE support, so return on investment will be high.


You may be capacity constrained or have an urgent process issue that is leading to quality concerns, late delivery or business risk

Traditional approaches to problem solving are not getting you to where you need to be fast enough

Training and coaching your team is a high leverage way to resolve your issue whilst building team skills and belief in the art of the possible 


You may be new to leading change or your approach, based on previous success, may not be moving you forward as you would like

We can help you to adjust your approach and engage your team to go on the journey

Very often this is facilitated by a specific technical constraint breaking exercise, rather than a ”burning platform”. 


Most organisations have some kind of operations and supply chain metrics and a tiered review system in place

The key question is “are they effective at delivering the required rate of change?”

We can do a health check and help you create and deliver a gap closure plan to get your improvement system to be “results driven” rather than a tick box exercise